Thursday, July 14, 2005

Dirty Draws kinda love

Sup.....let's see, what's on my mind today, or should I say, at this very moment.........hmmmmm.........marriage.....yeah, marriage, why, cause I'm watching "Being Bobby Brown," and I'm thinking, you know what, fuck what e'rybody else says, I love that shit! I love Bobby and Whitney.....yeah, I love 'em cause despite what WE think, them niggas love each other......They love each others' "dirty draws!" and if y'all know black love, y'all know, that's some strong love.....that's what I'm talking bout, that dirty draws kinda love.....some may call it "Ghetto love", or whatever, but that's what's it all about....or should be, anyway......folks, like to say, Whitney and Bobby are dysfunctional, and all that....SO!......they're dysfunctional together....and that's what it's all about...e'rytime Bobby ass go to jail, who there to pick him up in a stretch?....Whitney.......even when that fool got past due child support hangin over him, Whitney got that fool back....and that's how it should be....that mu'fuckin dirty draws kinda love! Dope, they in it together....ain't my problem....theirs......and if it works for them...what, 15 years? hey, it's cool with me shiiiid, I love it, to tell you the truth........that's what I want, that kinda, love me, for me....when I come home, lemme be me....I'mma let you be you.....we in this shit together, we're a already got a blunt rolled, cool! us some 'yac and coke on ice.....good!......yo habits, my habits, and vice versa.....that's what I'm talkin' my other half, we complete each other.....fuck what others think, this us!!! me and you.....I ain't trynna change you, and hopefully you ain't trynna change know what you got from the let's roll.....that's why I love Bobby and Whitney....they in that shit together....fuck what the media, me, or you think.....them niggas love each others' "dirty draws."


Bullet Proof Diva said...

dirty draws kinda love!!! I hope I don't have my man pulling out large turds, BUT I do want him to love all of me, faults and all.

Anonymous said...

But is that the kinda love you are looking for? After awhile you grow tired of that shit... Loving uncondiotional is something only achieved when you /we are combined with the three elements of love..

Loving blindly and and accepting a part of a person which is a complete contradication to who you are and what/where you want to be, will only damage "self" in the long run unless you change direction together and create a new path for yourselves.

I say this as someone in love who has there own hang ups on relationships, but I do not expect the other person to put up with my shit if it continously damages the relationship, and in turn changes the way they are with me and vice versa.

I love loving others but I also need to be feel loved.


2 Can Play That Game said... obviously didn't read/feel what I was should "know" the other party prior to even saying "I DO".....if you feel he/she is a contradiction to who you are, then you're a fool for going that I stated, if it works, then go with it, if not, keep it's all about compatibility....and obviously, Bobby and Whitney are ain't that hard to figure out....folks trys to make it seem as if this "dating," "courting," thing is so difficult, when it ain't....find someone that's RIGHT for you, and you ain't gotta worry about changing, or damaging "self"......

SexyCool said...

thoth...luvya', man...not ya' draws...but luvya'...

Icey said...

"Dirty Draws luv"...boy you know you a nut!

Tazzee said...

That's some for real love right there. As crazy as Bobby and Whitney are - I have to agree, they are crazy together and don't give a flip about what other folks think.

Cheryl said...

This type of love, as clearly seen by Bob and potentially hazardous to your health. Eesh...

Star said...

I have to agree with you thoth. As sick and twisted as it may seem to everyone else, these two jokers love each other. And they arent about to let anything/anyone (themselves included) come in between that.

Gotta respect that